Saturday, April 3, 2010

Girl's Night Out!

Jessica and I have decided that we want to have a tradition for the ladies in our ward. During the Priesthood session of General Conference, we have the ladies bring a dessert and come veg out at our place. We watch a chick flick, and then gorge ourselves on confectionery delights! Oh, and did the girls in our ward DELIVER?! We had an eclair cake, Hershey pie, chocolate dipped strawberries with whipped cream, 3 kinds of chips with 2 kinds of salsa, raspberry almond torte, strawberry shortcake, organic chips (thanks, Meesh! :)), swiss roll cake, and a custard. I'm not kidding you. Each girl brought enough to share, and we only made a dent in what was brought! I couldn't believe how yummy everything was.

After a long deliberation between American Outlaws (major 'hottie actors' factor), and The Importance of Being Earnest (major funny AND major chickie), we settled on a little Oscar Wilde. The next two hours was just filled with laughing and carrying on. IOBE is one of my favorite flicks, and what made it better was watching it with all the ladies!

After the movie got over, a few people had to leave and go to other things, but a large chunk of us decided the night was young and we still wanted to have a little fun. Someone brought a few Doris Day movies with them, and when the girls found out that I had never seen Pillow Talk, but loved Doris Day and old movies, there was no further debate.

I fell in love.

Pillow Talk is now on my top 10 list. I was laughing, I was smiling, I was falling in love with the couple, and I was cheering the characters on. I would give it a definite 5 out of 5 stars. If you haven't seen it, grab a bunch of your girlfriends, a bag of popcorn, and a snuggie. Settle down on the couch, and enjoy the AWESOMENESS of Pillow Talk! Just the theme song will get in your head an leave you smiling. For you doubters, here's a little sample:

Rock Hudson is hilarious! He is trying to get Doris Day to fall in love with the real him- just read the description to try and get another idea of what the movie is about. And fall in love with this movie. :)

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