Saturday, April 10, 2010

Choose the Sprite when a Coke is placed before you . . .

. . . just one of the cool attention-grabbers that were used in tonight's adult session of Stake Conference. I almost burst out laughing when I heard that. Cheesy? Yes. That is why I love it.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Today was a GREAT day! I lazed around this morning, since I had gotten some cleaning done on Thursday, and while I was on the internet, who should Skype, but Lindz?! She and I chatted for over two hours. This is how much I love my bestie, people! Lindz and I can be half a world away and we still crack each other up. She even told me more about her plans to move back to the states this summer. I can't wait!

After that I got ready for the day, had some lunch, and ran a few errands. Before we headed to Stake Conference at 7, we got a bunch of people together to grab a bite to eat. I was excited that we got to try something new that most of us had never had before: Smokehouse BBQ. Jess and I split a sampler basket, and HOLY COW! Their BBQ sauce was magic. I almost wanted to pour it on my bread! The place had a very casual and family-friendly atmosphere, we ate off of paper plates, had plastic silverware, and plastic cups. Nice. Definitely not somewhere you'd want to take a first date, but very fun.

Stake Conference came next, and I got to hear one of the ladies from my Relief Society talk on preparedness. She shared a personal experience that really had me thinking about what I need to do to start preparing myself for any kind of emergency that might arise. Then I thought of the food storage Jess and I have in our pantry. And felt better. :) THANKS, MOM!

The after party was at our new Bishops house, where he and his sweet wife got around 20 half-gallons of ice cream out for us to have banana splits! They are so cool, I am SUPER pumped for our new bishopric. They are all so wonderful. They get so excited to be around us and be able to plan cool activities. Maybe one day I will post one of their emails to my blog. Stinkin' hilarious!

Well, gotta head to bed tonight. No church until 3 pm, so I wonder what I will do tomorrow? Hmmm.

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