Sunday, March 21, 2010


So, Anne asked me last week if we could get a rousing game of Fireball Island going because she needed a break from school and really wanted to play. I agreed faster than she could blink! We planned a game night for tonight, and invited some of the Branbury oldies that had played before. This game is only fun if you play with people who can really get into it.
Anne made her specialty mint brownies, and I made Hershey & apple pies. What could be better than yummy desserts and a CrAzY game of Fireball Island?! We had 12 people show up, so we got into four teams of three. Over the next hour, we laughed, argued, screamed, shouted, & jumped up and down. It was so warm in the kitchen that we opened the patio doors, and later that night people kept stopping by to see what we had been doing to cause so much noise! No joke, 7 people stopped by after ward prayer, and even more people asked Jessie what on earth we were doing to make so much noise!
The game came down to the wire, and Kara, Chelsea, and V came away with the victory. It was SO close, though! We have already had requests for another game night soon so that people can play again.
Mom, you made a GREAT decision in buying that game for us! It is surely getting its use over here. Kyle & Ash, thanks for lending it to me. There has been no further damage to it, so you can rest easy! :)

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