Friday, March 12, 2010

Einstein Lives In A Pond . . .

No, really! Today after work I went to feed the ducks with Kyle, Ash, and the kids, and one of the ducks had two puffs of white feathers sticking out of the back of his head! Kyle pointed him out and named him "Einstein", and it just seemed to fit. Vanessa and I had a blast helping Braden throw THREE loaves of bread in for the ducks to eat. I tell you, those ducks won't starve at all! We even had some Canada geese come over for some food. All in all, I think there were around 100 ducks all clamoring to get us to throw them some bread. It was pretty crazy!

After feeding the ducks, we went to Kyle & Ash's for burgers and IBC root beer. Ash had made up some hamburger patties with some kind of marinade that tasted so good! I really don't know what it was but Ash should open a burger joint. I would be her best customer. :)

I love spending time with my family. They are the most amazing people and I learn so much from them. Thanks for the great night, guys!

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