Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A GREAT chick flick!

Young Victoria. See it. Enjoy it. Cry over it. Fall in love with it.
This is what happened to me tonight. It's a little-known movie that Jessie saw a few weeks ago with our neighborhood literary ladies, but I couldn't go to. So Jess arranged for some more ladies to go watch it last weekend. Once again, I was a no-go. But Jess is a determined little lady, and got the Isenbarger/Weaver women together for a Gal's Night Out. We went and saw the movie, and then split some yummy desserts at Macaroni Grill afterward.
My thoughts: great story, great actors, great sets and costumes, KILLER soundtrack! This is a clean, fun, happy story that the ladies will absolutely adore. Go see it!
Jess, it was a MEGA score for you! Thanks for sharing it with me!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

That was so much fun! Thanks again for inviting me. I really enjoyed the movie. We'll definitely have to do a girls night again.