Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What a whirlwind day!

Today was kind of crazy.  It was good, though, because I needed a day like this.
Work was good.  Busy, but good.  It wasn't to the point of tear-my-hair-out-now, just enough to keep me busy, and make the hours fly by.  I was at work a little late, but as I was driving home I found out that the Stake softball game was at 6, instead of 7 like I thought.  I made a few more calls to have some friends come with me, changed quickly, and headed out with Jessie and Keith.
We found the field, and were surprised to see a ton of people from our ward there!  It wasn't even supposed to be a huge deal, but there were around 18 players on the team.  Well, one injury (she just twisted her ankle), three innings, and an hour later (In church softball, you get a 50 minute time limit), our ward squeaked out a win of 16-14.  Woo hoo!  We even had someone hit the ball into another field!  It was cRaZy!
Next it was on to a birthday party for our friend, Meesh.  She is in our ward and wanted to celebrate her birthday by getting heartburn from our local Mexican treat, El Azteca.  Now, you all should know that when I moved out to Utah, I HATED Mexican food.  My experience with Mexican food had ended in grade school, as soon as my mom made Mexican Luncheon for the first time.  Blech!  But it's mostly because I don't like tomatoes and peppers.  Take that out, and I'm fine.  Sicne Jessica has been in Utah, however, I have tried to expand on my too-American-diet of hamburgers, chicken fingers, and fries being what I eat when I go out.  Well, I found a burrito that I wanted to try, and I think I amused the lady when I asked her for no pico de gallo, no peppers, and no tomatoes.  Yeah, well, at least I'm not as amusing as the lady who pulled up in the drive thru with a LIVE CAT across her shoulders like it was a cape!  It was one huge cat, too.
The food was good, but the company was amazing!  We had about five tables all put together, and I got to meet some really cool new guys.  James, Doug, Craig, and Joseph.  Hilarious!  James even tried to beat Jessica's Bubble Wrap score.  Yeah.  Didn't even come close.
After dinner, we headed home with a few peeps to catch the last part of Glee.  It was SO MUCH BETTER than last week!  It really restored my faith in the show.  Rest assured, I will be watching the first part on Hulu in the next few days.  New fave quote from Brittany: "I don't know how to turn on a computer".  She gets some of the best lines!
Anne popped by afterward, because I had been bragging about how good "Heart & Souls" was, and she wanted to give it a try.  We had a great time watching it, and Patrice surprised us with strawberry shortcake about halfway through.  Nice!  If you haven't seen that movie, though, do yourself a favor and go rent it today!  Really good!
So.  Twilight.  Scripture study.  Prayer.  Bed.  In that order.  Goodnight!

1 comment:

[S Rizzle] said...

mexican luncheon. Blech.