Monday, January 12, 2009

Wowee Wow Wow!

It's been a long frickin' time since I have posted! Man, I stink at this. Just to make me feel better, and to help a friend with a birthday and Christmas gift, I will try to go back and do a couple of posts for the Holidays. A lot of cool things happened. Well, let's start with the last few days . . .

Lindz is in town, so we've been hanging around. Lots of movies, food, laughing, stories, visits, and good times. Fireball Island will probably go down as the favorite activity for the time she's been here. We played Sunday evening with my brother and sister-in-law, then invited some hardcore friends over to play, then played two games with just the two of us there. We are amazing, what can I say?

Shout out to my girl Rach- she took us out for dinner at Chili's tonight and it was AWESOME! Yum. Just gotta love their chicken crispers and honey mustard. Maybe one day I will try something different there.

My room has become a pit. I don't know why I can't just get it clean and keep it clean, but it just seems like I am losing the battle with cleanliness. HELP!

Okay, I know this post is lame, but I'm trying to get back in the swing of things. Phew. Oh, and I still haven't heard anything about the move yet. I will keep you all posted!


Jeni Girl said...

You Big Nerd! I called you and I still haven't heard from you. I got you something for Christmas and I have no where to send it cause I don't have your address....can you Please Please Please email me your address? And it's great to see you are doing well! We are doing well in Colorado, not much going on, just me, Baby B, and lots of snow! Oh yea, and Andrew too..haha.


Ashley said...

Wonder of Wonders. . .a new post from Lisa!!!