Monday, January 19, 2009

Jane Eyre - Getting Better!

So over Thanksgiving break Jessie gave the women of the family a copy of Jane Eyre to read together. I think this was to give us something more substantial and less scandalous than the year before- when we read "Cowboy Vet" (Yeah. It's a cheesy cheap romance novel. It was amazing. How could you not love a book that has lines like "What woman's heart wouldn't melt for a man who doctored furry little things for a living?". Like I said- amazing).

Things got a little hectic for me before Christmas, so I couldn't read very much. Then I lost track of the book over Christmas. Then it sat on my bedside table for a long time. Just yesterday, when I was home sick, did I remember the book and how i was getting to exciting parts. I cracked it, and drowned myself in 50 pages before I knew what hit me. Nice.

So thank you Jessie. I am only at pg. 250, but I am really getting into the whole book. Jane just went to see Mrs. Reed on her deathbed. Rochester didn't want Jane to go and tried to con her out of her money. Good choice. I will keep you updated on my progress! Now it's off to bed and a little reading! Woo hoo!


Anonymous said...

Keep reading girl! Mrs. Reed is ri-dic-u-lous on her deathbed. You won't believe her. And then what happens to Jane + Rochester?! Keep reading! This ain't no Cowboy Vet

lilshep said...

oh, I LOVE Jane Eyre! It's my're going to love it!

[S Rizzle] said...

Hurry Up!!

Jeni Girl said...

Hey Lisa...

Still waiting for your address. I am going to just use the Christmas gift I got you and get you a new one later if I don't hear from you! Glad to see you had a good Christmas with your Fam. Hope to hear from you!
