Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Isenbarger's Know How To PARTAY!

Today Jess and I threw a bridal shower for our friend, Amy.  She and our friend Chris are getting married on March 19!  Amy has always been such a fun person, and always comes to our get togethers.  So we were really excited to throw this shower for her.  In true Isenbarger fashion, it was a *little* over the top.  Our spread included: chex mix, chips and salsa, veggie pizza, rock candy, little smokies, cheese ball and crackers, strawberry napoleons, and Lisa's Best Bubbly.

Yeah, we go a little overboard sometimes. . .

In fact, we spent so much time on the food and getting ready for the party, that we didn't have time to get ourselves ready!   Let's just say that Jess and I weren't at our prettiest . . .  But we had a good time.  We played a memory game with pictures and stories from their courtship, watched a chick flick, had presents, and played the bubblegum game.  We videoed Chris' responses and played them for Amy and the girls.  We asked amazingly easy questions like, "What was the name of Chris' childhood pet?", and "What was the name of the elementary school that Chris went to when he was nine?".  Honestly.  Who wouldn't get those answers right?!  :)  After a wad of fourteen Dubble Bubble pieces, Amy's jaw was sore and hurting.  But we had a great time watching her try to chew!

It was a fun time with the chicas in the ward.  Amy got some great presents (you're welcome, Chris!), and was sent off into married life with a great party.  Congrats, Amy and Chris, we love you guys!!!

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