Saturday, April 11, 2009

My New Bike!

Here she is. I got a bike today, it's been such nice weather and I really miss getting out there and biking. Having a paper route made it so we had to bike all the time, and I have not been on one since. Utah has a lot of really pretty areas to go biking in, and a lot of them are pretty flat so I didn't need a mountain bike. I like biking while sitting up anyways. not a fan of the hunched-over look.

One of the guys in my ward has already sung the theme song of the Wicked Witch of the West at me as I was riding. No I don't have a basket, but the bike is a little on the classic side, so I see where he is coming from.

I've only been able to ride her once, since we actually got over 6 inches of SNOW in the last few days, but it was a great ride! Here's to a little exercise and a lot of pretty scenery! Any suggestions on a name?


Lynn Isenbarger said...

Awesome bike, Lisa!! As for names.... Ruby. The Red Rocket. Flash. Big Bucks.

[S Rizzle] said...

cute. Where did you get it?

Lisa said...

I think Ruby is great, Mom! Good work! I think it fits well.
I got it at a local bike store, Sarah. It's called Taylor's Bike Shop. They had it for the cheapest price. Everyone else was almost $100 over their price, so I decided they were the way to go. Didn't you just get a bike?

Jessica Mitchell said...

Silver? Oh that one's taken.