Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Funny Laundry Moment

So I go to a laundromat nearby so I don't have to run into residents while folding my underwear or get asked to put a maintenance request in, yada yada yada.

No one was in the laundromat when I came in, and all seemed quiet. So when my wash was done, I just hung my bra up on one of the drying racks. Yeah. Out there for all to see. Things were going well until two adorable guys walked in and headed right for the washers by my bra. I kind of shrunk down and thought, "Maybe they won't know it's mine." Right. Because it belongs to the other person sitting on the other side of the laundromat. Please.

I hear the guys go over to the washers, and then start whispering. Then they make a beeline to the washers on the other side of the room and throw their wash in without looking up at me. We made absolutely ZERO eye contact the whole time! So great. I wanted to laugh out loud!

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