Friday, August 12, 2011

Why My Nephews Are the Coolest- Exhibits A & B

I have the sweetest nieces and nephews.  I'm serious.  I love them each to PIECES!!!  Today I was reminded how much I miss them when I got a voicemail, and Jess told me a story about Colorado.

Jess and Andrew went up to Denver a few weeks ago to see Sarah, Todd, and fam on their vacation.  Yeah, I'm more than a little jealous, but I had already committed to house/dog sit for my boss, so I couldn't tag along.  Jess told me the funniest thing today.  They had been hiking one morning, and when they went back to their cars, J.C. popped into Jess' and Andrew's car saying, "Man, I need a break from my parents".  He then proceeded to plug into his iPhone, and play away.  Can't you just see that coming from J.C.?  I can even hear the inflection in his voice.  What a cutie!
He is so dang cool.

And then I also had the most wonderful voicemail from Braden today!  I saw I missed a call at work, and had a voicemail.  When I saw it was from Ashley, I wanted to hear the message right away, in case it was an emergency.  When I heard Braden's voice talking to my phone, I almost burst into tears right there.  There is just something so special about hearing your family say the words, 'I love you!'.  When it comes from a child, it just melts your heart into a little puddle.

  I love you so much, buddy.

What can I say?  My family is amazing!  :)

1 comment:

~Amanda F~ said...

Name o Jesus Christ AMEN!