Monday, February 22, 2010

Ward FHE Olympics

So, my team pretty much swept the Olympics. Really. We represented Tonga and KILLED IT!
For FHE tonight, the ward had some Olympic events for the FHE families to participate in. Let's take it event by event, shall we?

Winter Javelin
We had to throw a "javelin" (straw) as far as we could, and alterations were allowed. So we decided to attach the straw to some keys for added weight. Boy, did it work! Keith and Mike were able to slide the keys the farthest distance, and blow away the competition. We even hit the opposite wall in the gym! Woot!

Snowball Eating Contest
This was "Chubby Bunny" without talking. We had to see how many large marshmallows we could stuff into our mouths. Little did anyone else know, but I can fit my entire FIST into my mouth, so I knew I had this one in the bag! We were allowed two people to compete, so Megan and I decided to take it to the next level. Bronze medal- 10 marshmallows. Silver- 15 marshmallows. Megan really packed them in! But even she was no match for the "Mouth of the Isenbarger Clan". I kept packing marshmallows into my cheeks like a squirrel with acorns. the gold medal went to me with a whopping score of 19! I think I should probably be a little more careful about confirming the fact that I have a big mouth . . .

Skeleton & Luge Relay
Mike & Megan, Keith & Jessica. How did anyone think they could top the awesomeness of these pairings?! Mike & Megan did the "luge", a relay where Mike pushed Megan on a four-wheeled scooter from elementary school around a large obstacle course. Then they tagged up Keith and Jessica, with Jessie having to be on her stomach on the scooter and Keith used her feet to negotiate the course. Seriously, our team led by a good five seconds!

Hockey Relay
Sarah, Emily, and Jessica snatched the medal on this one, they had to put on a hockey uniform, use a broom to push a tennis ball down the length of the gym, and shoot at the wall. Then they had to push the ball back to the next person in line. We did really well to get the bronze, but I missed most of this event because I was in the hall choreographing and practicing for the next event . . .

Office Chair Figure Skating
Lauren and I spent some time in the hall getting together a great routine that included spins, gliding on one leg, and some amazing team work. We even had a "lift"- Lauren got up on the chair with her arms stretched out to the sides, and I was sitting in the chair ahead of her, holding her under her arms. We were a smash, but in order to be fair, our routine only got us the bronze. Oh well!

All in all, it was an AMAZING night! I had such a blast and I will admit, it is always fun to be the winner. Yay, Tonga!