Today my bestie is celebrating her birthday. Abroad. And I am not there. :(
Thankfully, I have my blog to give a tribute to one of the best women I have had the privilege of knowing. Lindz, you and I have had the BEST times together! I miss you like crazy, but I am so proud of who you are and what you are doing. I hope that next year we can celebrate your birthday over here . . . :)
In the longest run-on sentence/list known to man, I want to just go on about some fun times we have had.
The Youth Conference that started it all, water balloon fights, fun times in Molten Lava and Hooptie, getting grounded and not being able to hang out with you, talking in Seminary, making Bro. Butterfield cry (I REALLY feel bad about that one!), Hooptie breaking down on the way to Tuscola, orange tic tacs and a gas station where we were gonna get killed, driving to your house in a van with no brakes, singing and playing at the pianos at our homes, you making purses for us, "What?" pants, breaking the gate at Girls Camp, Resusci-Annie in the freezer, stealing the golf cart only to have to push it back because it ran out of gas, "I'm just gonna go get the canoes", sneaking out of Girls' Camp with Noah, trips to the Tuscola outlet mall, I Love Lucy, green gogurt and throwing it up, talks in beds, breaking beds, breaking shower rods, sharing music, making you read really fast and stress out with Pirates of the Caribbean, volleyball games at King Henry, living together and LOVING it, oven boxes, fake engagement websites and pictures, recording a CD for Hopson's grandma, skip-bo, your mission, taking you to the MTC, seeing you in the MTC and crying my eyes out, all the mischievous times we had, you talking me through rough times, heart to hearts, going through the temple and having you there, "Magellan!" in low voices, Krista face-planting it on a mattress, slipping on Dr. Pepper, garbage bag sliding, watching movies together, Mansfield Park, boy drama, busting up my back, Mama Shep & Papa Shep- the origins of the nickname, doing crafts together, dinner with Noah and the butter knife, David Cassidy's "I Think I Love You", our own Trans-Siberian orchestra music video, watching Jared fall out of the hammock, the radioactive bushes, the womb, "I'm gonna puke!", "Are these lights going to come on EVERY time we stop?", singing at the top of our lungs to too many songs, "For Good"- Wicked, creative badminton, Ultimate Frisbee, touring Oxford, back massages, back scratches, broom hockey, hockey games, and so many more, I can't even list them.
I love you, Lindz. I hope things are going well and I WANT TO SEE YOU SOON!!!! :) Hope you have a great birthday!
You snuck out of girls' camp? I say that like I'm surprised, when, really, I am not.
Oh yes, we sure did. We snuck out to get ice cream, but by the time Noah got to camp and we got out, the only thing open was a Pepsi machine at the grocery store. So we had a failed escape!
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