Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Reality Check

So, I'm not sure if there is something in the water where I live, if I'm just an old fart that remembers things better in her old age, or I have turned into a geek, but I'm doing really well in my classes this semester.  I was kind of reveling in the grades that I received on the recent tests in both classes, and feeling smug that a girl had the highest score in my math class.  Then someone in my math class stabbed me with the red-hot poker of reality.  He simply said,

"Yeah, well we are in a class that 9th graders take."

Balloon (aka my head)- deflated.  I completely shrank inside.  And outside a little bit.  My shoulders hunched over and I felt my stomach bottom out.  9th graders take the math class that I am in right now.  A 14 year-old child.  Pffff.

Then I remembered that a 99.8% is still a high A.  And it's higher than his grade.

Take THAT, you pessimistic peon!  Hyah!


Becca said...

old age? come on! we aren't even 30 yet!

you are rocking that math class.

love you!
becca cox

Curt said...

Keep gettin' it, girl! Show those other students no mercy.

Luh yu.

Lisa said...

Ummm, just to clarify, I hadn't actually told anyone I had a grade that high. The guy and his friend were talking about their grades, and I just happened to overhear his comment. Whoops! Hopefully people don't think that I was bragging . . .

lilshep said...

you are genius, seriously. keep knockin' 'em dead sista'!

Horsiemama said...

It is Algebra on a college level taught in a college style and you have a 99% A+. Nuff said, and WAY TO GO. Couldn't be prouder of you.

Anonymous said...

Different people become proficient at skills at different ages. Most people that had a subject in school they struggled in, were not simply bad at science or writing, they just had not reached the maturity level they personally needed to understand it. If they tried it now they would probably find they were much better at it. Unfortunately school is done for them and they will just continue to think they were bad. Math is Math and you are a rock star no matter when you conquer it. And it sounds like you are kicking it's trash!!!