Saturday, August 28, 2010

Happy Birthday to my MAMA!

Today is Mom's birthday.  Jess and I were able to call a little earlier in the day, since we were headed to Lagoon for some fun.  She informed us that she was going to a bridal shower, and then might be going out for dinner.

I immediately thought, 'WHAT?!  My Mom deserves a better day than that!', but then I found out that she was headed to Outback (it's her own personal Disneyland- she LOVES their croutons), and I knew she was going to be all good.  Great food and family, it doesn't get much better than that.

I'm sad I couldn't spend the day with you, Mom.  I love you and hope you have a GREAT time tonight!  Eat some of those amazing croutons for me, all right?

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