Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I Love My Jessie!

Tonight I got home late from a long day at work and saw that I had a missed call from my sister, Jessie. I checked the messages, and she just brought a smile to my face as she spoke. I'm terrible at keeping up with phone calls, so it had been a really long time since I had talked to her.

I called her back and caught her right after American Idol. We talked and caught up with each other over the next hour! So great. I really love and admire her. It was a lot of fun to talk about this and that, but I especially enjoyed our conversation on struggles in our lives right now. I gained a lot of strength from her during that time.

Thanks for the help, Jess. I love you so much!


Jessica Mitchell said...

Oh girl you are the greatest. Thanks! Our phone conversation was just what I needed. Good thing you caught me AFTER American Idol so I could chat. BEFORE? Not a chance! Love you!

[S Rizzle] said...

man you are suckin up to everyone lately. Where is my post?!?

Lisa said...

Girl, you gots ta call me first! But I am super psyched that you are coming out to Utah.

Jeni Girl said...

Hey Lisa,
Haven't heard from you in a while but it looks like you are doing well. I hope you are doing well! Things are good here in Colorado, just Andrew, Brendon, Me, the little bug(as I call her since she looks more like a bug then a person on the ultrasound), and oh yea, the cat Allie! Ha! Well, things are good here and I miss talking to you. I know you are busy but if you do ever get a chance I'd love to hear from you. I've given you a few calls already, but I can give you about a million more till I hear from you! : )

Jessica Mitchell said...

Yea! Lisa has loved me for a whole month!!!!!