Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Still some things to work on . . .

Tonight was "Comedy & Confections" at the Branbury. I planned an activity where a comedy troupe would come from BYU, and a local bakery would provide some way amazing desserts.

Desserts: Win

Comedy: FAIL!

People loved the desserts and were eating those like crazy, but the comedians were kind of lacking in the laughs department. The first two performers were more clever than funny- a guy who remixed songs and could play anything, and a girl with a ukelele and songs about dating weird guys. Meh. The third performer was a girl comedian, and I think it was her first show. Almost no laughs at all. I was doing courtesy laughs and I think people were laughing more at me than her. Last was a black guy who kept making comments about being black in Provo. He was funny. FINALLY! We had a good time listening to him.

Moral of the story, "if at first you don't succeed . . . maybe you'd better not do it again."

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