Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Work Christmas Party

Tonight I went to the Paris restaurant in SLC for my company party. This place was fabulous! My favorite part was their dessert they called "Drunken Strawberries". It was strawberry shortcake on steroids! So yum.

I got to sit at a table with Blake, MaryAnn, Dot, and their guests, and we had a blast yukking it up. MaryAnn and I commented that we felt a little out of place in such a fancy restaurant, and said we would meet up at McDonalds on the way home in order to keep ourselves grounded. I really love her, she is such a riot!

Greg and Time, two of the company owners from Seattle, got up to say a few words. It's always interesting to watch people who have a little alcohol in them. Greg and Tim kept cracking jokes and forgetting punch lines! I also knew that Greg had a little alcohol in him when he kissed me goodbye, 3 times! What a goof.

A lot of the people went to a piano bar afterwards, but I decided to go home. I'm a little sorry that I missed Greg and Tim, dancing on the pianos with pink boas around them, singing "I'm Too Sexy", but I was pretty tired. I was sent a pretty fabulous picture, though!

The only down side to the evening was the fact that my employees found out what their gifts were! I spent over two hours the night before, wrapping and boxing up robes for the employees' Christmas gifts, only to find out that they knew what they were! Gah! I was a little frustrated, but I just had to remember that the packages looked good. I actually did a good enough job wrapping them. It's a first, ladies and gentlemen.

Well, another year with HRA over. That makes 5, people! I'm beginning to become a staple in the company, I think.

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