Friday, March 6, 2009

Boys and their toys. . .

Watch out, Charlie's Angels!

Anne and I went to one of our ward activities a few weeks back. It was a service auction, and canned goods were the "money" we used to bid on the services. Bishop James decided to throw a day of skeet shooting into the mix and I watched Anne's eyes LIGHT up! We started bidding on the service, and after 27 cans, a few scowls, and lots of laughter, Anne and I won the service. We talked to the bishop about scheduling a time, since it was really cold (obviously since it was still February!). We thought we would have to wait several months to redeem our service, but the bishop is amazing! He wanted to go really soon so we could have some fun, so we scheduled it for today.

And what a day!

The bishop wanted us to bring some friends so Jeff, Simeon, and Alan tagged along. The bishop brought several guns, and we all got to try them all. We went up to the mountains near Spanish Fork and went to town on the pigeons. I didn't do too poorly, either! I tried a shotgun with a little too much kick at first, so I didn't hit anything. I couldn't line everything up and get the pigeon. The guys were nice and didn't say anything demoralizing, but Jeff suggested I try the next size gun (this one was a little longer). Laughing at myself and thinking it wouldn't make any difference, I shouldered the gun, looked down the barrel, and yelled "Pull!". Bishop flung the pigeon, I lined it up, and shot. The pigeon exploded into dust, and I immediately looked around to see who had shot and actually hit the pigeon. To my surprise, all the guys were looking at me with their mouths hanging open. Then Jeff shouted, "She found her gun, bishop! She was holding out on us!" and we all started laughing. My record improved drastically after I got the other shotgun.

So we tried several shotguns, a .22 rifle, a 30 aught 6 (TONS of kick! Wow!), and bishop's son joined us later and brought some .45 handguns. I hadn't worn ear plugs while shooting the shotguns, but once I shot the .45 for the first time, WHOA! My ear was ringing and I couldn't really hear out of it for awhile. We were on the mountain for several hours, and froze our tails off, but it was great! On the way down we threw in a little off-roading, almost got stuck, and finally made it down. One of my best days of the year!

Yeah. Boys and their toys.

1 comment:

lilshep said...

Can't believe I missed it!..."I hate guns!...(gasp) he shot my hair!"