Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Good times, good times

What a night! I don't think I'll ever slow down. Tonight was a full night with lots of friends and fun. I headed to Brick Oven for dinner with old EFY buddies, and it was so good to see everyone again! Found out a couple of friends have started dating from EFY, and we even had two counselors get married! They fit really well together. Jessie, why didn't you tell me that Matt and Bergen had gotten married?!
After Brick Oven I headed to Target with my friend Cameron. He wants to decorate his room so it doesn't "look all stuffy", so he gave me a call. I absolutely love to decorate and get creative with this stuff! We found some good things and then headed over to Applebee's for Karaoke Night. Wow, some people are confident about their singing skills! One girl almost ruined "Sweet Caroline" by Neil Diamond for me. Gotta love me some Neil! We ran into a lot of friends and had a good time laughing.
Overall, a very productive and entertaining night! I can't take many more of these in my old age though . . .

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